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CHANGELOG IdoSell (13.05.2024 - 24.05.2024)

As part of the IdoSell changelog, we periodically report on news, updates and changes to the IdoSell software. Invariably, we publish project news and information about the release of new functionalities within separate entries. The following changelog release presents the scope of changes 13.05.2024 - 24.05.2024.

From June 2024, we are introducing a new formula for publishing the changelog. It will be published once a month, as a summary of the changes from the whole month.

API Storefront

  • We have extended u functionality of the addProductsToBasket gateway, allowing virtual products to be added to the basket.

Auxiliary applications

  • We have improved the way attachments are uploaded from a remote location in the Downloader tool. The Downloader now allows you to enter a link to an attachment located on an external server and automatically upload it to the IdoSell panel. This change applies to files in PDF format.
  • We have improved the function of deleting printer installations from the IdoSell panel. Now, if an installation is inactive, it is possible to delete a printer directly from the panel.


  • We have improved the display of the InPost Pay button on the product card in situations where a purchase using it was not possible. Until now, the InPost Pay button also appeared when the purchase could not be completed (e.g. when the shop currency was different to PLN). Although the button was visible, it did not perform any action. Now, in cases where a purchase via InPost Pay is not possible, the button will not be displayed.
  • We have improved the recording of the customer's date of birth for purchases made via OSCOP.


  • We have improved the calculation of turn-of-the-month dates for summary invoices. We have improved the mechanism that classifies orders when generating summary invoices for them. Thanks to the change, orders with invoices issued at the turn of the month will be correctly assigned to the correct summary invoice.

Product feeds

  • We have changed the format of the images in the product feeds. Photos will now be submitted in JPG format, which is accepted by all services, including Pigu.

The merchandise configurator

  • We have modified the way numbers are formatted for the thousandth values of the price modifier in the goods configurator. This means that the system no longer imposes commas and dots for formatting numbers at thousandth values. The change applies to price modifiers in the goods configurator.

List of goods in the panel

  • We have introduced sorting "by margin" for goods that are not available in the list of products in the panel. With this change, the system enables sorting also for unavailable goods. The change applies to the list of goods in the panel.


  • We have improved the booking process for orders from marketplaces containing goods in open PZ documents. This change allows goods from open PZ documents to be automatically assigned to orders from marketplaces, without having to enable pre-sales.
  • We have added the ability to retrieve the warehouse name in the relevant language. This change enables the names of warehouses to be uniformly displayed according to the selected language.


  • We have introduced encryption of the shop customers' e-mail address in the newsletter sign-up and unsubscribe operations.
  • We have improved the newsletter preview. We added support for variables in the preview for newsletter templates created with the new WYSIWYG editor.


  • We have added support for searching sub-pages of mechanisms and tidied up the settings for displaying differences between prices. The panel search now returns sub-pages concerning the configuration of Omnibus mechanisms. In addition, the option "Hide the difference between prices expressed as a percentage" has been moved to the menu Moderation -> Store operation -> Store behaviour management -> Omnibus mechanism configuration.

Feedback on goods and orders

  • We have optimised the return of commodity parameter data in the recommendation zones. We corrected a situation where the XML served from the cache for hotspots did not contain the enclosures node.

Partner and loyalty programme

  • We have improved the calculation of loyalty points when changing the price of an item in the shop. We have resolved an issue where recording the price of an item resulted in an incorrect calculation of the number of points in the loyalty programme, not taking into account the shop currency.


  • We have optimised the process of loading the list of promotions, especially when there are many of them and they require pagination. Thanks to this change, opening and performing actions on long lists of promotions with pagination has been accelerated. The change relates to the new promotions module.


  • We have optimised the redirection mechanism to the main shop page when adding an item for comparison. We have corrected a bug that caused redirection to the main shop page when adding an item to a comparison when the URL of the item card ended with a slash.

Customer management

  • We have improved the display of change history on the client edit tab in the panel.


  • We have made improvements to the mechanism responsible for prioritising photos. Before the change, it happened that within one commodity two photos were given the same priority, which resulted in one of them not being displayed. Now each photo will be displayed correctly.

Integrated payment systems

  • We have improved the performance of the integration with PayPal in terms of handling Discovery and American Express cards. Previously, the card payment form within the PayPal integration only accepted VISA and MasterCard. Now the form will correctly identify the card issuer and process payments for all cards.

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