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Changelog IdoSell - June 2024

As part of the IdoSell changelog, we periodically report on news, updates and changes to the IdoSell software. Invariably, we publish project news and information about the release of new functionalities within separate entries. The following changelog release presents the scope of changes in June 2024.

As a reminder, from June 2024 we have changed the way we publish the changelog - it will be published once a month, as a summary of the changes from the whole month.


  • Easier size table submission when listing an auction. We have improved the mechanism for listing auctions on Allegro by adding the transfer of the size table in the API request. Thanks to this change, the link to the size table is again visible on the item card on Allegro.
  • We have improved the handling of the "fits to" parameter when resuming and updating listings on Allegro. Thanks to this, we have eliminated the problem with updating and resuming listings when this parameter was not set.
  • We have improved the handling of auction listing for bids awaiting verification on the Allegro side. Previously, it happened that the system duplicated bids which were late going through the verification process.
  • We have improved the handling of synchronous listing in case of errors. From now on, offers inserted from the shop will initially be inactive. They can be found in the offer search engine in the panel by indicating the status "Under verification". Once you have received the validation information, the offer will be automatically activated. If the offer is rejected by Allegro, you will be able to search for it in the list by the status "Rejected". The bid details will show the reason for the rejection.
  • We have improved the display of error messages when updating listings from the Group Offer Edit (GEO). Previously, when updating offers from the GEO level in a group, no error messages were displayed during the update attempt. Now, the change makes all error messages visible, greatly enhancing the ability to control the update process and correct configuration errors during offer preparation.

API Panel

  • We have improved the paging in the API for the list of vouchers and gift cards. Prior to the change, gift cards and vouchers fetched by the API for both page '0' and '1' returned the same results. We have made the data paging consistent with the standard used to ensure correct operation.


  • We have improved the error messages returned to shoppers in the OSCOP one-step shopping cart process. Until now, standard shopping cart errors, such as a problem with order finalisation, were communicated as a generic 'connection error'. After the changes, the error messages more precisely indicate the causes in specific scenarios, making it easier for shoppers to understand and resolve the problem.

Cross-border - goods translations

  • We have optimised the functionality of group editing of goods, now allowing multiple product descriptions to be added to the translation queue at the same time. Previously, it was only possible to request the translation of one description at a time. Now, thanks to the changes made, users can manage translations more efficiently through group editing, which increases work efficiency.

HTML and Javascript additions

  • We have improved the history saving and restore operations in the "Add-ons" section. It is now possible to more easily restore and view the history of add-ons and changes made.


  • We have optimised the mechanism for listing multi-variant and multi-size bids. We have corrected a scenario where there were problems listing multi-variant bids on eBay, particularly when the smallest size of an item had stock equal to the number of items listed on eBay.

Product feed

  • We have improved the mechanism for determining the form and cost of delivery for the Google Shopping Poland feed. The mechanism responsible for calculating the cost of delivery for sets has been adjusted so that the cost is now calculated correctly, taking into account the components of a given set.

Google Analytics

  • We have improved the currency value sent in Google Analytics event 4. We have changed the value associated with the currency and on the order card, which has improved the statistics collected.

Idosell RS

  • We have improved the functionality to make the display of personalised merchandise recommendations work faster and more frequently. Now the panels in the hotspot zones can more efficiently present recommendations tailored to users' preferences.

InPost Pay

  • We have added the ability to format markdown when displaying terms and conditions consents in the InPost Pay app. Until now, only HTML-formatted text was correctly displayed by the InPost Pay app. Now markdown formatting support has also been added to HTML, which improves the readability and aesthetics of the presentation of terms and conditions texts.

Instagram integration

  • We have updated the process for generating the necessary permissions to connect the panel to Instagram. We have internally introduced the required permissions to ensure that the shop panel integrates correctly with Instagram.


  • We have streamlined the scenario for setting up a sub-account within the main customer account for the B2B module. From now on, with reCAPTCHy enabled on the account registration page, you can add subaccounts within the B2B module.
  • We have optimised the display of the list of subaccounts within the customer account within the B2B module. When a B2B account had a large number of subaccounts attached, the page loading time increased significantly. We have now added pagination to long customer lists and optimised the way they are displayed, which has improved system performance.


  • In Allegro International, the predefined parcel sizes have been removed. You can now specify parcel sizes yourself, instead of using the pre-defined sizes of available parcels.

MFA (multi-component authentication).

  • We have improved the handling of special characters in the login passwords for the shop administration panel. It is now possible to correctly store a password containing special characters, for example "^", allowing customers to use the system more conveniently.

Feedback on goods and orders

  • We have optimised the set of data displayed in the recommendation areas on blogs, news items and CMS pages. As a result, we have extended the availability of data in specific product recommendation zones to all standard nodes. It is now possible to present more than one image or product icon, which increases the attractiveness of the content offered.

Comparison engines

  • We have optimised the internal driver building mechanism for the custom comparison engine. Now, when no option is selected in the 'Export' section of the custom comparison engine configuration, the system works correctly and there are no problems with the driver build.

Partner programme

  • We have improved the mechanism for calculating loyalty points for orders. We have updated the system responsible for awarding loyalty points to make the process more efficient and accurate.


  • We have improved the linking in the menu to the promotions management module. The change has unified access to the new promotions module via the "Merchandise -> Manage promotions" menu. Now all links lead to the new promotions module, which improves navigation and access to the promotions functions.
  • We have optimised the campaign editing process for pending promotions by eliminating the scenario of deleting unavailable goods. Now, when adding new goods to a pending promotion, the system does not remove goods that are unavailable (out of stock) from the list of assigned goods. This makes it easy for you to manage promotions and stock your inventory without having to re-add previously assigned goods.

Google Ads by IdoSell

  • We have improved the list of merchandise in the "Correct diagnosed merchandise issues in Google Ads by IdoSell and Free Listings" section. Now, when no merchandise meets the criteria, the "Affected merchandise" column displays a blank result instead of the full list of non-compliant merchandise.


  • We have optimised safeguards against redundant copying of attachments assigned to a language. Previously, when adding a new language to a panel, the system automatically copied attachments from the source language to the newly added language, even if they were not available to users. Now such attachments will no longer be copied and will only remain in the source language.
  • We have updated the logging of changes in the commodity edit history related to the "Ready for translation" option. Previously, incorrect information about a flag change was logged in the commodity history, even when it did not actually take place. Now, such information is no longer logged in the change logs, which improves the accuracy of their logging.

Transaction messages

  • We have optimised the template for the email sent to customers informing them that a VAT invoice has been issued. The template now includes a button to download the VAT invoice, even if the customer did not ask for a VAT invoice during the purchase process.


  • We have improved the display of information about zero orders in the 'Orders not fulfilled' table on the main page of the panel. From now on, the information on the main panel page is consistent, eliminating an error that presented a zero order count as "0" instead of the expected "-".


  • We have improved the shop template's security against adding returns without goods. We have modified the shop template to add an additional function that verifies that the reported return contains the selected goods. The system now automatically checks that an empty return cannot be added, improving the integrity of the returns process for buyers.

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