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Empik Marketplace - We automated listing new products on empik

Today, create new offers on Empik website will become easier. Now, with one button, you can create new products in Empik panel. Additionally, you can indicate the ID of the offers which will be used to link them in the EmpikPlace panel - this can be the Manufacturer Code (EAN) or the IAI Code.

Simplifying the shipping of new goods

Together with Empik, we are making it easier to set up new product cards on Empik. From now on, a new section has appeared in the Empik Marketplace configuration: Product export settings.

  • Export all included goods (CSV) - allows you to report all included goods. Recommended option when you want to start transferring goods
  • Export only new goods (CSV) - this option allows you to complete the offer with new products that have appeared since the last export.

Selection of the product code to be transmitted

The change also includes making available the choice of the code to be passed on to Empik as the product code. You can now choose between:

  • IAI code
  • Manufacturer code

It is recommended to select the offer identifier, which is the Manufacturer Code (EAN), which will allow the offer to be directly linked to the product shown in the Empik catalogue.
If the IAI Code option is selected, the offer identifier, which is the internal product number in the IdoSell catalogue, will be sent. This involves adding the indicated catalogue numbers to the products in the Empik database. This can be a time-consuming process requiring product cards to be updated

How do I send and map offers on the Empik side?

Once the goods are prepared and enabled for export, simply select Export in the Empik Marketplace configuration for one of the two options entered. The system verifies the goods and starts to prepare a CSV file in the background, which it then transfers to the Empik panel. You can check the queue of created files and the progress with the Queue preview option.

After exporting the file to the EmpikPlace panel, you should start the process of mapping the submitted products. The mapping process can be carried out in Empik panel.
We encourage you to read the comprehensive mapping instruction, which can be found at link with example video clip presenting the individual stages of the process.


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