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Export products to Amazon by specific region

Today, you can use the additional option to split the export of selected products on specific Amazon services. The change will allow you to easily customise your offer to market differences such as brand restrictions. With this option you can also start sell in new markets smoothly, significantly reducing the risk in the regions you have served so far.

Manage your exports to different Amazon marketplaces with ease way

With the option released today, you can more easily manage goods that have region restrictions. Adding the separation of exporting goods to specific sites will allow you to seamlessly open up to new marketplaces without affecting the listings you already export. Now, if your product group requires additional approvals before selling to a specific market, you no longer need to restrict sales to that site until the offer is adjusted. From now on, on the item card under Amazon - Available Sites, you can freely designate where the item should be exported and where it has to wait for sales approval.

Amazon Avalible - Amazon Avalible

Additionally, using Product bulk edit, you can manage the new split for multiple products in the panel at the same time. .
We have also made it possible to search for products by the Amazon. In addition, you can now identify an order by searching by the code used by the external service.

If you are new to using the Amazon Marketplace sales channel, take a look at our webinar How to sell on Amazon, which will explain a lot to you.


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