Do you have multiple sales points with IdoSell POS support and want each of them to have independent numbering?
From now on it's possible. We're releasing a functionality that allows to issue invoices from IdoSell POS application with separate numbering for each point of sale.
Until now, the numbering of invoices and correction invoices was common for all points of sale.
In order to meet our clients' expectations, we introduce a possibility to decide whether the numbering should be common or separate for each point of sale (warehouse).
Split numbering of invoices issued from IdoSell POS application, is available in administration panel:
Administration -> Support Applications -> POS Configuration in the Sales Document Numbering section:
Setting: Separate numbering for warehouses: NO
Numbering will be common for all warehouses: e.g. FVPOS/123/PL/2203 , where 123 is the document number
Setting: Separate numbering for warehouses: YES, include warehouse symbol in invoice numbering
Numbering will be separate for each warehouse, warehouse symbol will be included in numbering template, e.g. FVPOS/123/PL/M1/2203
Invoice numbering format for IdoSell POS: FVPOS/123/EN/2203
Invoice numbering format for IdoSell POS including the warehouse number: FVPOS/123/EN/M1/2203
We recommend renumbering at the beginning of a new month, before the first document of the month is issued.
The functionality is independent of the version of IdoSell POS application you have
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