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New method in API PA allowing to generate courier shipments

We are launching a new API PA method createParcelsAndCourierLabels, which allows you to generate courier labels for orders, complaints and returns.

The new method "createParcelsAndCourierLabels" can be found in the "Packages" gateway. This method generates a courier delivery for a given order, complaint or return, based on the data downloaded from the panel configuration of couriers.

The "Packages::getPackages" and "Orders::getPackages" methods have been extended to return information about the basic parameters to be set for the courier during shipment generation. These are exactly the same parameters that we can add to the manual generation of courier mail from the order / complaint / return tab.

To both of these methods, the parameters should be given as "eventType" (order, return or rma) and the number of the order, return or complaint in order to receive a set of parameters that can be transferred in the method "Packages::createParcelsAndCourierLabels".

We can submit the parameters described above to the "Packages::createParcelsAndCourierLabels" method on the basis of information received from the "Packages::getPackages" or "Orders::getPackages" method. We provide them in the parcelParameters node, respectively as the "id" option returned from the getPackages method, and as the "value" option returned from the getPackages method.

If you don't want to, you don't need to pass any additional parameters in the parcelParams node.Then the default configuration of the courier service will be used, set in "ADMINISTRATION / Courier Configuration".

See the Packages gateway documentation

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