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Sell worldwide via IdoSell's latest integration with Wish

Reach customers from all over the world and conquer foreign markets with Wish. The integration is now available for all IdoSell sellers. Check out how to get it up and running.

With the newest IdoSell integration with Wish, you'll be able to sell in one of the most popular marketplaces! Wish has been the most downloaded shopping app in the world for 3 years. It is used by over 100 million users from about 100 countries. Right now you can take advantage of our newest integration.

What will you gain?

Wish is an e-commerce application that offers customers a huge number of products at great prices. It works on the principle of "wishes" or a wish list. Wish selects products that a user likes, enjoys and is interested in. So it offers personalized offers at good prices. The customer's purchase decision is usually based on impulse.

The latest IdoSell integration means a lot of possibilities for our sellers: simple onboarding, free promotion, efficient currency conversion and lower commission - only 5% for the first three months.

First such integration in Poland

The latest IdoSell integration is the first in Poland and one of the first global SaaS integrations with Wish platform. The application is investing in the Polish market and is currently launching Wish Local Pickup service.

Learn more about the integration

How do you launch the integration?

Enable Wish app and start selling globally! With Wish, you only need one account to sell to multiple markets. You can launch the integration in your store admin panel or in Wish.

1. Enable via Wish

1. Go to Wish API Clients Settings page.
2. Add your app under the 'Private App' section.
3. Click the 'Register a private app' link.

  • In 'App Name' type a chosen app name in Wish.
  • In the 'Redirect URL' field, enter the redirect address of Wish configuration from the IdoSell dashboard that shows up under the 'Redirect address required to be provided on the marketplace side when binding the app'. This is required by Wish.

2. Enable via IdoSell panel

1. Go to Administration Panel
2. Add USA and delivery profile. Wish is an American service, so in order to launch the integration, the seller should add the USA in the 'ADMINISTRATION / Delivery & Payment Settings for Country' menu and set the payment and shipping profiles at the same time
3. Add the integration in the 'Marketing and integrations / Marketplaces' menu. In the list find "Wish" and select "Account settings".
In the configuration window, enter the API Login (Client Id) and API Key (Client Secret) and copy the URL with the 'redirect address'. You will be redirected to the Wish website. Paste the redirect address there.

Integration possibilities with Wish

1. Sending products to Wish
Before exporting goods from the IdoSell panel, the goods tray in Wish should be empty. Thus, before exporting, you should clear the existing offer so that the exported goods from the IdoSell panel can be properly visible and updated.

How to send (export) products to Wish?
If the integration is launched and the product meets the requirements for export (described below), it is enough to make the product available for export to external services. It can be set in the commodity card or by group editing of commodities.

Commodity requirements for export:

  • The delivery profile has been set to USA
  • The description in English (short or long)
  • Name in English
  • Main image (min. 100px by 100px)
  • Price per commodity
  • Availability in the stock system

We also provide Wish with:

  • Information about the product size (if available)
  • Additional photos of the commodity (max. 10)
  • Wish tags
  • GTIN code from the manufacturer code field
  • Currency of the commodity

Shipment prices: we send the delivery price of the default courier from the panel.

You can set individual delivery prices on the Wish page.

  • Shipping regions (e.g. only for the EU)
  • Surcharges/shipping price reductions for the given commodity
  • Price differences in shipment

IdoSell sends a basic configuration to Wish. However, the seller can (via Wish) freely adjust the delivery prices to regions or e.g. types of goods.

2. Updating goods
We update both the goods data (description, title, images) and the stock and price. We do this as fast as Wish allows us (it has dynamic limits)

3. Downloading orders and sending statuses
We query Wish every 10 minutes for new orders and if they appear, we add them to the panel! Wish returns orders that have already been paid so we download those as well. When we cancel an order in the IdoSell panel, we also cancel the goods in Wish.

After changing the status to shipped we pass on:
- Name of the courier
- Parcel number
- Order status to Wish: shipped

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