Frequently asked questions about the company data and company branch service

How can I add contact details of my company? Is it mandatory? Why should I provide detailed information about my business?

We always follow the principle of transparency in our operations, so we cooperate only with carefully examined partners and companies. This is why we demand providing exact, detailed and authentic company data - so that also customers of our stores could know, who are they dealing with.

To add these data, go to ADMINISTRATION / Company data and in Default data for sales documents section enter information about your company, which will be used on all printed documents. Contact details section is responsible for information displayed in Contact section of shop page. Providing all information is required by law.

You can define different data for each one of your shops. They will be later displayed for customers on the shop page. IdoSell handles every shop separately, so you can define different phone numbers, e-mails, store owner name and even contact address. If you have a few shops, customers can e.g. contact employees dedicated to their service.

How can I provide different contact data for language versions?

You can define different phone numbers, e-mail addresses, the owner's name or even an address for correspondence. Thanks to this, if you own a multilingual store, customers can be directed, i.e. to members of the customer support for the given language.

In order to make the contact data visible for customers depending on the language version, go to ADMINISTRATION / Company data / section Contact details and data for invoices / column Contact data / option [edit] and introduce data which should be displayed in the contact section in the store or as variables in sales documents.

Where can I enter additional text on the Contact page?

Additional text on Contact page can be entered in MODERATION / Creating subpages and their content management (CMS editor) / CMS fields displayed on shop pages / Additional text on contact page.

What is the company branch service?

Company branch service allows to provide different data in invoices for each shop separately. Thanks to this, if you have your company registered also in other country, you can conduct settlements in this particular country, providing this company data. This service is chargeable in accordance with current IdoSell price list and can be activated in ADMINISTRATION / Company data - Contact details and data for sales documents section / Data for sales documents / default option [change] column.

How can I add the company branch?

To add company branch, go to ADMINISTRATION / Company data. Then click on [change] button in the Contact details and data for sales documents section, Data for sales documents / default option column. This service is chargeable in accordance with current price list.

Why - despite of changing e-mail for contact forms - I still receive messages to my old e-mail?

This can be caused by one of two situations:

  • In ADMINISTRATION \ E-mail account configuration you have selected option of receiving copies of messages. Check incoming mails and try to find out if Copy of every message should be directed to e-mail field contains your e-mail.
  • If these are messages with financial matters, just contact our financial department, sending a ticket informing about e-mail change. Remember, that such ticket should be sent through the admin account.

How can I change bank data for company branch?

Account number, SWIFT and Our bank fields are filled according to a default payment profile of a given shop. Such data is visible on sales document, but also on the shop in the Contact section.

Changes can be introduced in a default profile in ADMINISTRATION / Payment configuration / Payment profiles