More about product database and operations that can be performed on it in the

Products are the most important thing in every store. Without them even the most beautiful shop layout will do nothing. This is why the team puts so much effort into managing products database - we have created a special, very advanced PRODUCTS module - all to make our customers work easier.

How to add product to panel?

The first stage of adding new product is is to define its basic attributes (like code or manufacturer). These are the main attributes that will allow to classify product.

Code is an individual number assigned to indicated product. It is often set in accordance with supplier/manufacturer specification - so products could be easily found by supplies in the future. But of course everything can be entered into this field.

There are three kinds of codes supported by the

  • external system code: it is used to tie products (and sizes) in the panel with third parties software (to be later used by the IAI supporting applications). They should be unique;
  • manufacturer code: code used by product producer or other type of code, i.e. EAN code, which is often used by marketing tools, integrating the with price comparison engines; should also be unique, determined by manufacturer and should not be changed;
  • code displayed on product card: code, you would like to display on product card in store. It can be defined by you or your employees to help identify products by your clients.

Next step is to assign company in Manufacturer field. List of manufacturers can be created and edited in PRODUCTS / Manufacturers. Adding manufacturer allows to group products of the same origin, which will of course make finding them easier. It is very important for customers often looking for products manufactured by the same company. It is also recommended, if you plan to use search engines manufacturer field and select appropriate name from list of suggestions. You can also gain access to this list by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and selecting proper name from newly-opened window. Setting Manufacturer field to "undefined manufacturer" value will cause a situation, that information on manufacturer will not be visible in store, search engines and price comparison sites.

Next stage of classifying product is to fill in the Category field, which assign product to a category (i.e. clothes, books, car parts etc.).

Subcategory is a group of subcategories or nested categories. In case, when main category is divided into subcategories, product cannot be assigned to main category.

To assign product to a category, click on green ling with category name, and then select one of methods listed below:

1. Enter fragment of category name into Category field and select the appropriate name from the list of suggestions, that show up after entering at least three characters.

Notice: Entering full category name will not work - only category selected from the list counts.

2. Find appropriate position on the list of all categories. Click on magnifying glass icon to do this. A new window will be opened with category tree. Default category is temporary category. It has been created especially to manage products from external sources in the category tree. Products in temporary category are not visible in store, so you can temporarily place there i.e. products withdrawn from sales or the ones for which you want to modify descriptions. Category management tool can be found in PRODUCTS / Categories of products in panel. You can add new categories or modify the existing ones.

Notice: Remember to save all changes made by clicking on Save changes button.

I would like to know more about setting prices in my shop. How available options can be utilized?

The Prices part or product edition form can be used to set the product price.

To correctly set product prices, first determine Settings of prices, which is fixing the prices relations and types of prices you are interested in.

Available settings are:

  • Wholesale price the same as retail price,
  • Wholesale price different than retail price,
  • All prices on phone demand,
  • Calculate the price automatically.

Depending on selected setting, you will be able to define following types of prices:

Retail price (base) - basic product price it will be sold in without any discounts.

Wholesale price - it is a product price for wholesale customers. If you do not plan to run wholesales, just leave it empty.

Minimal price - it is the lowest price level, after crossing which the sales will not pay off to you. In the it is the level, beyond which the price cannot go - no matter the combination of discounts granted (except Special Offers. Of course it cannot be higher than retail and wholesale price.


You buy a product for 50 EUR and set the sales price to 70 EUR. Minimal price is set to 55 EUR. In case of granting your customer a 50% discount, the price he pays will not be lower than 55 EUR.

How to set different prices for shops?

If you have multiple shops in panel, you can set different prices for them.

If you want to manually change product price, select Competitive prices, go to selected shop tab and enter desired prices.

Competitive prices allows to set also different prizes of sizes for shops.

As always - all changes will be saved after clicking on "Save changes".

How to configure prices for price comparison sites?

Prices for price comparison sites can be set globally or manually. To set global, default price difference for indicated price comparer, go to MARKETING / Price comparison sites, shopping malls and directories and click on [edition] next to selected price comparer. Editing window will show up. In Default price difference field you can determine percentage price difference - i.e. -10%, 10%. Modified price is the Retail price (base).

To be able to manually set price for price comparer, modify price on product card in Forcing different prices for price comparison sites section. You can determine here, what price should be send during offer export.

You can determine different prices for each price comparer, adding it to list first, clicking on change in the rest of price comparers and entering the desired price.

Remember, that the final price the customer purchases product in is also affected by discounts, discount codes and loyalty card.

How to set prices for auction sites?

If you want to set different prices for auction sites than those visible in shop, use the Enter different products prices for auction sites option from the product card. It allows for this exactly.

How can I use the visibility in shop settings?

In this place you can set product display and location options in indicated shop. The allows to manage any number of stores in a single administration panel. You can decide, which stores indicated product should be assigned to. Possible choices are:

Visible on page - determines if offer should be visible in store. Setting it to No will make product visible only in panel. It allows to create a product offer earlier and display it in the future. It can be useful, when you are waiting for photos or supply, but you know exactly what will it be. You can also temporarily withdraw products from sales this way - without the need of deleting it from panel or clear your stock quantities. It can be particularly useful for seasonal products or when you would like to work on product presentation - change description or photos.

Visible in export to price comparers - determines, if product should be included in offer export prepared for price comparers. By default, it is set to Yes.

Priority - default sorting rule is based on creation or last modification date. Sometimes however you may want to distinguish some products - with particularly attractive - price (for customer) or margin (you). The priority parameter comes in handy in such situations. The higher entered value us, the higher this product will be displayed on the product list. If the same priority is set for more than one products, they will be sorted chronologically from the newest to the oldest.
For the priorities could function correctly in store, you need to also configure search results in MODERATION / Shop behavior management / List of products. Select appropriate option from the By default sort found products by list.

Shops - field visible only when you run more than one shop. Here you can choose stores, in which the product should be visible. If you want product to be visible in more than one shop, just select them from list with Ctrl button. If stores are somehow blocked (i.e. 2nd-4th stores on the list), hold Shift button and click on the first shop and later - on the last. All stores will be selected.

Statistics - it stores the adding date and last modification date.

How to enter the product description?

Product can be described in three steps:

First enter the Product name, that will define product (i.e. book title). It will be displayed on shop page, so it should identify this particular product. Character limit is 255.

Next is Product short description. Its position on shop page depends on mask construction. It is usually stored next to information like name, manufacturer, attributes. It should store the most important product traits. Character limit is also 255.

Long description is detailed information about product. IT can be a description of contents, status, origin, look or other traits. In short: everything that helps in selling product. Long description edition contains 4 tabsL

1) Long description preview - allows to preview the description final look.

2) Long description edition (WYSIWYG) - tool that allows to create a product description without the need of learning HTML. It allows to format text, enter images, links or files.

NOTICE: Be careful, when copying text from text editor (i.e. Microsoft Word), because such applications usually add formatting handled only by them. Pasting it to system content editor can cause shop mask display be somehow damaged. If you would still like to use such earlier-prepared description, use the "Upload file with long description" tab.

3) Long description edition (HTML) - allows to create long description using HTML code.

4) Upload file with long description - allows to upload earlier-prepared file with long description in html or txt format. It can be created in i.e. MS Word. After clicking on Save as button, select "html page".

There are no size limits for the long description used in shop. There is only character limit for auction sites.

If shop works in a few language versions, there will be the same number of name, short/long description tags as shop language versions.

How does the attachments to products mechanism work?

Attachment mechanism allows to create sortable lists of files, that can be downloaded or viewed by the shop customers.

List of attachments is created for each language separately. All list elements consist of:

  • name in shop - name displayed in store in selected language,
  • attachment type - select one of three attachment type: audio, video or document,
  • documents visibility - sets conditions of downloading file in store,
  • file tracking options - yes setting allows to report information on downloads. This option can be activated only, when attachment access is limited.
  • file - file added to selected element of list.

Following file formats are accepted as attachments:

  • Audio: mp3
  • Video: flv, swf
  • Documents: pdf, txt

Maximum attachment size is 10MB.

After adding or deleting attachment file it can happen, that changes are not instantly visible in store. Waiting time is usually 30 minutes but it can vary sometimes.