Full-text product search - FAQ

Is the change of settings visible immediately?

In case of changing the way of searching (by full phrases, by phrase fragments or phrase beginnings), the changes should be visible immediately. Changes concerning pieces of information which are to be taken into consideration when creating an index, are usually visible after 24 hours.

How do individual search settings work?

  • Searching phrase fragments: *ida* - all phrases beginning, ending or including ida will be searched, namely idared, florida, adidas.
    • Searching full phrases: adidas - phrase adidas will be searched, so for example not "??adidas".
    • Searching phrase beginnings: adid* - items beginning with adid will be searched, namely adidas, adidasneo.

How are phrases with a couple of words, for example "umbro blouse" or "adidas underwear", treated?

If the search is configured in full-phrase mode, it works like AND. If it is configured to search for phrase fragments, it works like OR.

Do spaces and other special signs or punctuation marks have any other use?

Such characters are omitted. Let us have a look at searching by fragments - if the search finds a product by a fragment, let's assume you are looking for "adid," "adid" will be found in a word "adidas", the results will be displayed and the comma will be ignored.

Does the search take into consideration upper or lower case?

Capital or lower case letters do not influence search results.

Is there a minimum length of a phrase?

There is no such limitation for the "searching full phrases" and "searching beginnings of phrases (any ending)" options. Even 1-character phrases are taken into consideration. In case of "searching phrase fragments", there is a requirement of at least 2 characters.

How are diacritical signs searched?

Diacritical signs are changed from, for example, "ą" to "a".

What are the rules of search engine operation in a full-phrase searching mode?

1. The search tries to find a full match, regardless of the number of characters in words, so, for example, "case xperia m2". Results having a full match are displayed at the beginning.

2. Partial matches are displayed afterwards. It means that a product has to include all the words from "case xperia m2" phrase. However, the order is not relevant, they also do not have to be displayed one after another. The closer the words in the searched text, the higher position they have in the search results.

3. If any word from the entered phrase is not found in the searched text, the results will not be displayed.